Cross Site Scripting Attacks starts by defining the terms and laying out the ground work. It assumes that the reader is familiar with basic web programming (HTML) and JavaScript. First it discusses the concepts, methodology, and technology that makes XSS a valid concern. It then moves into the various types of XSS attacks, how they are implemented, used, and abused. After XSS is thoroughly explored, the next part provides examples of XSS malware and demonstrates real cases where XSS is a dangerous risk that exposes internet users to remote access, sensitive data theft, and monetary losses. Finally, the book closes by examining the ways developers can avoid XSS vulnerabilities in their web applications, and how users can avoid becoming a victim. The audience is web developers, security practitioners, and managers.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Download XSS Attacks: Cross site scripting exploits and defense - Direct Links
Cross Site Scripting Attacks starts by defining the terms and laying out the ground work. It assumes that the reader is familiar with basic web programming (HTML) and JavaScript. First it discusses the concepts, methodology, and technology that makes XSS a valid concern. It then moves into the various types of XSS attacks, how they are implemented, used, and abused. After XSS is thoroughly explored, the next part provides examples of XSS malware and demonstrates real cases where XSS is a dangerous risk that exposes internet users to remote access, sensitive data theft, and monetary losses. Finally, the book closes by examining the ways developers can avoid XSS vulnerabilities in their web applications, and how users can avoid becoming a victim. The audience is web developers, security practitioners, and managers.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
O'Reilly ASP in a Nutshell
By: Keyton Weissinger
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Formats: Print
Print: February 1999
Pages: 426
ISBN: 978-1-56592-490-1
ISBN 10: 1-56592-490-8
Monday, September 26, 2011
Read/Download : Management II PPT and PDF for B.E. 5th Sem.
Management II Books and PPT Read online or Download
Note : To Download above Documents Click "Read on Google Docs" link above of any related document then wait until page loads and then click on File > Download as... That's It!!!
- Marketing Management Module (3/5)
- Marketing Management Module (4/5)
- Marketing Management Module (5/5)
Note : To Download above Documents Click "Read on Google Docs" link above of any related document then wait until page loads and then click on File > Download as... That's It!!!
Read/Download : Marketing Management Module (1/5)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Imp Questions of All Subject 5th Sem E.C.
Integrated Circuits and Applications (151003)
- Voltage Series Feedback Amplifier.
- Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier.
- Differential Amplifier.
- Error Minimizing by Compansating Network.
- Design and Explain Astable Multivibrator.
- Design and Explain Monostable Multivibrator.
- Explain Operating Principle of PLL with necessary block diagram & application.
- Explain following Terms : Inverting Comparator, Non-inverting Comparator, Zero Crossing Detector, Peak Detector, Voltage Limitor, Voltage Detector.
- Fixed Voltage Regulator , Adjustable Voltage Regulator.
- Square Wave Generator, Triangular wave Generator and Sawtooth wave Genetator.
Management II
- Define the Marketing and Explain the Marketing Functions.
- Write a note on 4 Piece, Product, Price and Place.
- Difference between Selling and Marketing.
- The Packaging of a Product act as a silence Sales man.
- The importance of Packing.
- Explain the price setting process of new Product.
- Write a note on different Marketing Concepts.
- What do you mean by Demand Forcating and Why it is Important.
- What are the Criteria for Forcasting Methods.
- How is demand Forcasting Determinated.
Conventional Power Energy
- CANDU reactor Powerplant with Diagram.
- Gas Cooled reactor Powerplant with Diagram.
- General Layout of Thermal Powerplant with Diagram.
- Explain Rankine Cycle with Efficiency Equation and Pv,ps Diagram.
- General Layout of Nuclear Powerplant.
- Explain main elements of Nuclear Reactor.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Thermal Powerplant.
- Explain PWR (Pressurised Water Reactor).
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Diesel Powerplant.
- Explain Fuel supply system and brifely discribe Common Rail Injection System.
- Write a short Notes on following terms with Diagram.
- Thermo Syphon Cooling System
- Pressurised Water Cooling System
- Splash Lubrication System
- Engine Starting System
- Engine Exhaust System
- Engine Stopping System
Electronic and Communication
- Derive explantion for modulation index and also explain expression for total transmitted power.
- Write expression for Instaneous Voltage of AM wave and also give defination pf Am wave.
- Give types of Am modulation and also explain any one.
- Give AM power equation or numerical.
- Explain Demodulator and explain square law Demodulator.
- Give phase shift method of balanced modulator.
- Super heterodyne receiver wave form and diagram.
- Draw and explain Block diagram of Communication System.
- Bandwidth, Channel Bandwidth, Nyquist Theoram.
- Advantage of modulation.
- Capacitve Tap.
Microcontroller and Interfacing
- Dram and Explain Architecture and Programming model of 8051 microcontroller.
- Draw and Explain Reset and Clock circuit of 8051.
- Draw and Explain Internal Port configuration of Port 0 Pin.
- Explain function of 16 bit resisters of 8051 microcontroller.
- Explain each bit of PSW .
- Draw and Explain internal RAM organization of 8051 microcontroller.
- Explain function of folllowing Pins.
- EA
- T0
- Txd
- Rxd
- Explain various asseembler Directives.
- What is interrupt give priority of interrupts and how interrupts are enabled in 8051.
- Explain following instructions.
- RL A
- SETB P1.0
- CLR P0.0
- DJNZ 1,R1
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Computer Networks Andrew S. Tanenbaum 4th Edition Sem V GTU
Name : Computer Networks, 4/E
Author : Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Author : Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ISBN-10: 0130661023
ISBN-13: 9780130661029
Publisher: Prentice HallISBN-13: 9780130661029
Copyright: 2003
Format: Cloth; 912 pp
Published: 08/09/2002
- Introduction computer networks.
- The Physical Layer.
- The Data Link Layer.
- The Medium Access Control Sub layer.
- The Network Layer.
- The Transport Layer.
- The Application Layer.
- Network Security computer networking.
- Reading List and Bibliography. Hall - Computer Networks Tanenbaum 4ed.pdf Hall - Computer Networks Tanenbaum 4ed.pdf
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
Details :
- Hardcover: 436 pages
- Publisher: Artech House Publishers (April 30, 2003)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 158053502X
- ISBN-13: 978-1580535021
- Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6.3 x 1.2 inches Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design.pdf
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox & Mcdonald
Book Details
Authors: Robert W. Fox and Alan T. McDonald
Title: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Edition: 5th
Year: 2001
Place: New Delhi
ISBN: 9971-51-355-2
Download :
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
E.C. 6th VLSI Study Material TCET
- Chapter 1 Introduction PPT
- Chapter 2 PPT
- Chapter 3 PPT
- Introduction to VLSI Fabrication Technologies
Introduction to VLSI Fabrication Technologies
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C, 2nd edition by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi
Table of Content
- Preface
- The 8051 Microcontroller
- 8051 Assembly Language Programming
- Jump, Loop, and Call Instructions
- I/O Port Programming
- 8051 Addressing Modes
- Arithmetic and Logic instructions and Programs
- 8051 Programming in C
- 8051 Hardware Connection and Intel Hex File
- 8051 Timer Programming in Assembly and C
- 8051 Serial Port Programming in Assembly and C
- Interrupts Programming in Assembly and C
- LCD and Keyboard interfacing
- ADC, DAC, and Sensor interfacing
- 8051 Interfacing to External Memory
- 8051 Interfacing with The 8255
- DS12887 RTC Interfacing and Programming
- Motor Control: Relay, PWM, DC, and Stepper Motors
Appendix B: Basics of wire wrapping
Appendix C: IC Technology and system design issue
Appendix D: Flowcharts and Pseudocode
Appendix E: 8051 Primer for X86 programmers
Appendix F: ASCII Codes
Appnedix G: Assemblers, Development Recourses and Suppliers
Appendix H: Data Sheet
Solved Question Paper
Hardcover: 435 pagesPublisher: Prentice Hall; Har/Dsk edition (November 11, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0138610223
ISBN-13: 978-0138610227
Thursday, August 4, 2011
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